
Jyu Oh Sei
Planet of the Beast King
獣王星 (Japanese)
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - BONES
R1 License - FUNimation
The Klein family are perhaps a bit too successful and become the target of the ruling president of the Juno orbital colony in the distant Balkan Star System. The two Klein children return home, to a dark house only to find the bodies of their parents and soldiers waiting for them. When the brothers wake up, they find themselves strapped in a landing-pod headed to a strange unknown green planet. Thor and his twin Rai have been exiled to the hidden planet of Chimera – a planet of carnivorous and poisonous plants – only made more dangerous by competing tribes of criminal exiles – a world of constant struggle where only the strong survive.

The planet earth, suffering under the burden of pollution and population, has cast its seed some 110 light years away to the Balkan Star System. Living in orbiting colonies, humanity survives through technology, but at a price. With the average life-span of a colonist rarely reaching fifty years, the mandatory marriage age has just reduced again - to include 13-years-old boys and girls. Behind the apparent harmony of colony life hide a number of dark secrets. Both Thor and Rai find the joy in their perfect life and promised future to be a lie when the tyrant of their colony city kills their parents and sends them into exile on hidden prison planet, to a place where the living plants have evolved to specialize on feeding on humans. A harsh world where those few humans who have been lucky enough to survive, did so at the cost of their humanity. They have collected into a number of competing tribes ruled by strength in a struggle of life and death. Thor and Rai find themselves cast into a society where only killers or mad beasts have a chance of surviving.

Based on the manga by Itsuki Natsumi.

Animation by BONES and many others
11 TV Episodes
First Aired in April 2006
R1 License by FUNimation Entertainment.

FUNimation has decided to market this series as a direct-download (priced at $1.99 per episode,) as reported by ANN on July 21st '08.

"獣" = "beast", "王" = "king", "星"= "star" (not "planet")

1:29min – Series Opening - YouTube Video
1min English Language Trailer - ANN (high res) Video

FUNImation has posted all eleven (sub-titled) episodes to VEOH - click here to view
Episode Details 
1, 99
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 8 7 6 7 7 7 Ggultra2764 [series:1347#1552]
Jyu-Oh-Sei was an anime that felt like it could have worked better if it had more episodes to properly develop and flesh out its characters. The anime creates a Lord of the Flies scenario for Thor as he finds himself forced to survive on a penal planet he was tossed onto following the murder of his family and struggles to retain his humanity in an environment where survival of the fittest is key. The series does do a decent job in painting the type of harsh world that Chimaera is with the plant life being quite hostile and finding it tough to judge who to trust on the planet as some characters have ulterior motives in taking Thor under their wing throughout this series. Thor's character is decently fleshed out as you get enough sense of the type of life he lived before being sent to Chimaera and his character as he wants to retain whatever human morality he can on the harsh life of the planet.

However being only at eleven episodes, the show just doesn't have enough time at fleshing out everything it has to offer. Certain characters like Tiz and Karim are never properly fleshed out as you don't get to learn much about their characters other than their personal connections with Thor. This also makes it tough to connect with the character relationships formed in this series as it felt rushed at a number of points, particularly in the time skip that takes place during the middle of the series. I found it quite disappointing that I couldn't get a peek at just how Thor became the competent and influential leader he became on Chimaera when he claimed the position as the show skips five years in time following Thor's defeat of the colony leader in a duel to the death.

Visuals to this series were a mixed bag for me. While it sports great-looking settings and designs for spaceships and plant life, the character designs looked rough with character lining and details with animation looking subpar at a number of points throughout this series.

Jyu-Oh-Sei felt like it was trying to be a grand series focused on Thor's struggles on the harsh penal planet of Chimaera. While it does show effort in portraying Thor's character and depicting the harsh way of life on the planet, 11 episodes just isn't enough to fully flesh out other elements to the world of the series.

Last updated Saturday, May 28 2011. Created Saturday, May 28 2011.
Watch 9 9 9 9 9 8 Innishfree [series:1347#2295]
This a very enjoyable series. The story has an excellent characters that you will want to learn more about. The three main characters first in Thor, then Tiz and finally Third. Each character is well developed. The animation is well drawn very fluid. The music sets the mood of the story very nicely. My only complait was I didn't want the story to end. It is a very refreshing and oringinal. A MUST Watch.

Last updated Saturday, July 22 2006. Created Saturday, July 22 2006.
Rent Jan-Chan [series:1347#967]
With episode # 5 out (compliments of the KissSub group), I am really enjoying this series. It is mostly an adventure drama story, with a hint of romance. At first glance, one might wonder if this is a YAOI series, with all of the pretty bishonen boys, but it is not!! The animation is very good, the basic story is strong (through the 5th episode) and the main characters are intelligent and interesting. Most of the comedy and romance appear in the form of a girl who sets her fancy on Thor and claims him as her husband as per the tribal laws.

And then episode 6 jumps ahead five years. The remaining episodes are a bit fragmented and disjointed as the story shifts to involve the survivors of Chimera and an orbital elevator that can allow them to connect with the orbital colonies overhead. At the end of the lift lie the answers as to why the world of Chimera was created and explainations as to why so many exiles were cruely sent to their death on its green surface.

If you like adventure or sci-fi anime, then should prove to be a good series, certain to entertain you.

The fansub title for this series is < Jyu-Oh-Sei >. The format of the fansub is letter-box (or wide screen). I have posted some snaps of episode 1 if you would like to see more.

Oh .. and the opening music for this series is really fun too...

Episode Titles
* 1 - Fate
* 2 - Ochre Ring
* 3 - Companion
* 4 - Challenge
* 5 - Duel
* 6 - White Wolf Demon
* 7 - Independence
* 8 - Depths
* 9 - Beast King
* 10 - Nightmare
* 11 - Hope

Last updated Saturday, July 22 2006. Created Wednesday, May 17 2006.

Other Sites
Official Japanese Series Web Site http://jyu-oh-sei.com/

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