Kekkon Surutte, Hontou Desu ka

Title:Kekkon Surutte, Hontou Desu ka
365 Days to the Wedding
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: HAYAMI Saori
Takuya Oohara is a minor employee at the JTC Travel Agency. He feels looked down upon by his domineering female boss, Kurokawa, and his seemingly hostile female co-worker, Rika Honjoji. It is announced that in a year someone must move to Anchorage Alaska to take charge of the company's office there. No one is eager to take the position, and since this is such a faraway place, the person that is chosen will be unmarried. Out of the blue, Honjoji makes a proposal to Ohara: why don't they enter into a 'pretend' marriage so that neither of them are selected?

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4838#628]
(Two episodes watched):

The lack of self-confidence that both Oohara and Honjoji display made them interesting, even endearing characters to me. Ohara takes too long to think of a reply when talking to people, which makes them suspect he's not very bright. He later describes himself as 'pathetic'. His main source of happiness is his pet cat, Kama. He was about to quit when Honjoji came up with her idea. Honjoji seldom smiles and seems gruff, but in fact wishes she was more likable. She later describes herself as 'heartless'. Her secret hobby is collecting and studying maps. She comes up with a detailed fake history of the romance to minimize chances that the fraud will be uncovered. Of course they'll eventually fall in love for real; Honjoji might already like Oohara but has never dared to give him the slightest hint of it. To their surprise boss Kurokawa is delighted to learn of the engagement, but secretly she suspects there is something funny about it. Even in episode one things start to spiral out of control and Honjoji worries that the whole scheme will 'crash and burn'. This show didn't strike me as brilliant but it was amusing and I hoped these two repressed office workers would find happiness somehow. I had little idea where things would go from here but was curious.

In episode two Oohara gets an anonymous phone call from someone who claims to know what he's up to and vows to make him the person who will be sent to Alaska. It must be someone within JTC since they know about the Alaska business. Honjoji meets a strange man at JTC who turns out to be Oohara's father and has somehow heard about his son supposedly getting married. No doubt if Oohara and Honjoji knew how rapidly things were going to spiral out of control they'd have simply taken their chances. But I felt my interest in this show rapidly melting away in episode three. I think the problem is that whereas I had been hoping for a complex romance between two nerdy people who are seemingly unsuited to each other, what was actually developing was more of a comedy of errors which wasn't all that funny. The story is more about 'How do we dodge this bullet?' than 'Do we actually like each other?'.

Last updated Monday, November 04 2024. Created Sunday, October 06 2024.

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