Title: | Kikansha no Mahou wa Tokubetsu Desu
A Returner's Magic Should Be Special
Overall: | Unevaluated |
Keywords: |
2023, Action, Drama, Magic, TV
Notables: |
Animation - Arvo Animation
SETO Asami
After an agonizing but ultimately successful ten year quest to prevent a 'Shadow World' from destroying this one, Desir Herrman finds himself back at Hebrion Academy to get on with his life. But it turns out that there is an unannounced final entry test for new students: they must destroy a Shadow World, which they are assured is 'an artificial world created for the purpose of this test'. All of a sudden, Desir's hellish quest seems completely meaningless. However, he finds that Romantica, a girl who he had feelings for and who he had thought had died during his original quest, is alive and well at Hebrion. Desir vows 'I won't let that tragedy repeat itself. I will rewrite the history of the world!'
12 episodes |
After an agonizing but ultimately successful ten year quest to prevent a 'Shadow World' from destroying this one, Desir Herrman finds himself back at Hebrion Academy to get on with his life. But it turns out that there is an unannounced final entry test for new students: they must destroy a Shadow World, which they are assured is 'an artificial world created for the purpose of this test'. All of a sudden, Desir's hellish quest seems completely meaningless. However, he finds that Romantica, a girl who he had feelings for and who he had thought had died during his original quest, is alive and well at Hebrion. Desir vows 'I won't let that tragedy repeat itself. I will rewrite the history of the world!'
12 episodes
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Unevaluated 4 |
[series:4734#628] |
Kikansha no Mahou wa Tokubetsu Desu
(Two episodes watched):
This is intriguing but also confusing. Desir should be asking himself, 'Why am I being required to take this test again if I have already passed it?'. Was that ten-year experience really just a test? A test in which the memories of persons taking it are temporarily erased so that they don't know it's just a test? Apparently not. It would seem that the staff at Hebrion Academy think (or at least say) that Shadow Worlds don't really exist, but Desir knows that they do. Or maybe there just had to be an excuse for the protagonist to have extraordinary abilities, like the protagonists in these shows always do. There are some pretty typical touches, like Desir being a 'commoner' and an upper class asshole named Elheim. Desir's 'mentor' is a red-haired girl named Ladaria Doriche. I wonder if Desir's five comrades from the original quest will turn up again. It will take another episode to clarify things. One thing that caught my eye about this show were the distinctive character designs.
In episode two Desir, Romantica and others (including Avest, another formidable female fighter that Desir used to know well) take part in a magical contest/mock battle. All sorts of spells are hurled, but this was not what I had wanted. None of the questions that occurred to me during episode one are answered. In fact, this show was seeming rather boring all of a sudden. Do any of the strange things we were informed of in episode one really matter? The message I was getting was 'no'.
Last updated Sunday, November 19 2023. Created Friday, October 20 2023.