Mononogatari S2

Title:Mononogatari S2
Malevolent Spirits: Mononogatari S2
Keywords: , , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Bandai Namco Pictures
The apprenticeship/romance between Tsukumogami exorcist Kunato Hyoma and his host Nagatsuki Botan continues.

12 episodes

A sequel to Mononogatari S1.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4705#628]
(Two episodes watched):

Episode one consists of a flashback to the preparations for Hyoma's arrival six months ago at Botan's place, plus a look at Hyoma's siblings before they were killed. We are introduced to the third faction (I think) in the secret struggle to keep Tsukumogami under control, namely the oddly named 'Bureau of Traditional Music'. They are eccentric but I would have rather have gotten a refresher regarding where things stood at the end of season one (I should probably re-watch the final episode). As a result I found it difficult to get re-engaged with this story after the three-month gap between the two seasons.

Some shows can afford to take a three month break, because they are exciting and engaging and as a result we remember more or less where things stood before the break. And some are not all that intriguing, so we (or at least I) forget what was going on. There's also the problem that I never completely understood the rules behind Tsukomogami and the secret battle against evil ones. Season one didn't exactly end with a cliffhanger and the first episode of season two didn't excite me and reinvigorate my interest. As a result, watching this show feels like a chore and I am tempted to just save the episodes and maybe watch them later.

Last updated Sunday, August 20 2023. Created Sunday, August 06 2023.

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