Liar Liar

Title:Liar Liar
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: KURAMOCHI Wakana
SHUTO Yukina
In the not-too-distant future, the world is full of rankings, and how you rank is critical. At prestigious Eimei Academy a person can have a ranking of from zero to seven 'stars', and stars are earned and lost by challenging other students to play high tech games. Previously unknown transfer student Hiroto Shinohara boldly declares that he has the highest ranking (seven stars), and anyone who tries to unseat him will wind up being 'crushed and humiliated'. But it's all a bluff: his top ranking was in fact given to him to avoid an embarassment after, largely by pure luck, he defeated the daughter of the school's patron. Luckily for Hiroto, another artificial asset he enjoys is permission to tell one lie in the course of any game.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4703#628]
(One episode watched):

As I composed the synopsis above, it became clear that this show has a fairly complex premise. This had not become clear as I watched episode one, because I had quickly become confused. Why would playing games rather than taking tests or something like that determine a student's rank at a proud school? It made little sense but reminded me of several previous anime I had watched. Although the rules by which this system works were clarified (something I had initially feared might not happen), this problem with the whole logic of the premise remained. Was this show trying to be a thriller about this strange system of gaining status which just might exist someday, or was it just a comedy? The jokes were not exactly LOL funny (why are the sprinklers set up to spray people on the sidewalk?), so it was hard to tell. Elite student Sarasa Saionji jumps to all sorts of extreme conclusions, but this was halfway between being plausible and a truly funny joke. basically, this show isn't all that funny and the plot did not excite me either. The first 'game' was kind of silly rather than exciting. On the other hand, the meeting between Hiroto and the school's headmistress made me smirk towards the end. And there is a curious twist to the plot regarding Sarasa's true identity. These spiced things up a bit, but the less than brilliant way in which they were presented to us didn't leave me with a lot of confidence in this show. In the end I still had a feeling that the whole plot wasn't going to make a lot of sense and the humor would be nothing to write home about.

Last updated Wednesday, August 02 2023. Created Wednesday, August 02 2023.

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