Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai Suru

Title:Nanatsu no Maken ga Shihai Suru
Reign of the Seven Spellblades
Keywords: , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - JC Staff
TAMARU Atsushi
Oliver Horn is a new student at the Kimberly Magical Academy, a school with a 20% attrition rate--that is, one in five students meets a terrifying fate known as being 'consumed by the spell'. He notices Nanao Hibiya, a female Samurai, and is immediately attracted to her. They likewise become friends with four other classmates, and all will need to cooperate in order to make their way safely through the course of studies at this strange school.

15 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4698#628]
(Two episodes watched):

Another magical academy anime. About the only potentially interesting element that I could discern from episode one was the 'consumed by the spell' business. Will these seven (or is it six?) students investigate and find something shocking? If so, we will have to wait for it because this initial episode was rather pedestrian. In fact, I quickly got the impression that the whole story was kind of corny and uninteresting. I wandered off briefly to do something else before returning. The problem is that magic in and of itself isn't very exciting, especially when we hardly know the people employing it. For all the anxiety that the risk of being consumed might stir up, this show seemed to have a rather silly and frivolous tone. Nanao is supposedly a fearsome warrior, injured many times, yet has a strangely naive personality. I noticed that the world map looked vaguely like Earth, with the continent of 'Azia'. But when the characters introduced themselves and we got to know them a little, I warmed up to this show a bit. Nevertheless, while it could have been worse, the manner in which this show is telling its story doesn't excite me at all and I think I will pass. The ANN synopsis said 'this school that is anything but what it seems', but I doubt if what it turns out to be will be all that intriguing.

I did watch a second episode after all, but reached the same conclusion. There was no mention of this 'consumed by the spell' business, which again was about the only factor which interested me in episode one. I didn't get the emotional experience Oliver and Nanao have after a practice swordfight goes wrong. Of course they would be unnerved if they accidentally almost killed each other, but was that what really happened? It was confusing. It seems that this show was designed for those who are intrigued by magic. But that would not be me, so I think I will dispense with Nanatsu-.

Last updated Tuesday, August 15 2023. Created Friday, July 28 2023.

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