Edomae Elf

Title:Edomae Elf
Otaku Elf
Shut-In Elf
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - C2C
Koito Koganei is a teenager who works as an attendant to the Takamimi Shrine. Rumors have it that a deity dwells within the shrine, but the actual resident is an immortal elf who found herself stuck on Earth some four hundred years ago. What's more, the elf is a total shut-in who won't go outside and has developed a taste for video games.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

12-episode TV anime that premiered on April 8, 2023.
Animated by C2C.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4643#628]
(Two episodes watched):

Here's a show of a sort that frustrates me: a silly, bizarre, intriguing premise--but one that will seemingly rely primarily on comedy, and is simply not very funny. I think the only laugh I got was from the scene of 'Elda' building a 'Tomiya' plastic model, and I bet most viewers didn't get that joke. And there doesn't seem to be much of a plot; the moment Koito tells us about the mysterious 'woman in white' who once befriended her, I knew it was really Elda (and I was right). Yet we were supposed to laugh when that was revealed. Perhaps one problem is that the characters are too bland. Elda is an Elf with the personality of an otaku, and that's about all there is to her. She's basically an immortal otaku with pointed ears. Koito is just the 'straight man' character. Coming up with wacky premises is relatively easy, but fleshing them out takes a good deal more effort. I also watched episode two, which was largely about Japanese cooking and Elda's obssession with the trinkets that are sold or given away as advertising stunts. She wasn't really obssessed enough, though. Her fear of strangers is kind of sad and pathetic. Still, the show had a little charm to it, and I was reluctant to abandon it altogether. But in a season with 30-plus new anime competing for my time and trouble, there was no way this show could make the final cut. Maybe I will save the episodes and possibly watch them at some point in the future.

Last updated Friday, May 05 2023. Created Wednesday, April 12 2023.

Other Sites
Official Japanese Series Web Site https://edomae-elf.com/

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