High Card

Title:High Card
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Studio Hibari
MASUDA Toshiki
UMEHARA Yuichiro
After discovering that his orphanage was on the brink of closing due to financial stress, Finn, who was living freely on the streets, set out for a casino with the aim of making a fortune. However, nothing could have prepared Finn for the nightmare that was awaiting him. The world order can be controlled by a set of 52 X-Playing cards with the power to bestow different superhuman powers and abilities to the ones that possess them. With these cards, people can access the hidden power of the “buddy” that can be found within themselves. There is a secret group of players called High Card, who have been directly ordered by the king of Fourland to collect the cards that have been scattered throughout the kingdom, while moonlighting as employees of the luxury car maker Pinochle.
(Synopsis courtesy of ANN)

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4616#628]
(One episode watched):

In order to create this page I needed to copy the ANN synopsis of this show, because I had little idea of what was going on even after watching the first episode. Some group tries to steal a very valuable object, which turns out to be a deck of playing cards. These people seem to be magicians who can summon things like guided missiles out of thin air. Something about 'The Klondikes'. The attempt to steal these cards fails and they somehow rocket up to the heavens and scatter themselves all over the world. The cards have some sort of magic to them which enables users to do all sorts of weird stuff, like transform parts of people's bodies into marbles. All this stuff begs an explanation, but none is forthcoming in this episode. Instead, we get plentiful action, with gunplay and a car chase. Indeed, this show seemed to fall into a subgenre of anime, namely shows with strange premises and wild action, but weak and uninteresting characters. The basic concept here--cards that impart fantastic abilities (like good luck) upon humans--was so difficult to take seriously without any sort of explanation that I could not really suspend disbelief and get into it. The character of protagonist (I assume) Finn, namely a not so bad pickpocket who wants to save an orphanage, seemed simplistic and weak to me. I was never thrilled by this show, just bewildered by it, and it seems like there was too much to wrap my mind around and too little reward for doing so.

Last updated Thursday, April 20 2023. Created Thursday, January 19 2023.

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