Title: | Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi
The Ice Guy and His Cool Female Colleague
Overall: | Unevaluated |
Keywords: |
2023, Comedy, Fantasy, Modern, Romance, Romantic Comedy, Supernatural, TV, Weird
Notables: |
Animation - Zero-G
Fuyutsuki-san was considered stoic and unflappable in school, and she suspects that she is a good deal less emotional than the average person. While on her way to her first day at her first job she runs into a strange person: a man who literally generates freezing cold whenever he becomes nervous or excited. This is Himuro-kun, who explains that he's the descendant of a 'snow-woman'. Not surprisingly, he also turns out to be a coworker at her new job.
12 episodes |
Fuyutsuki-san was considered stoic and unflappable in school, and she suspects that she is a good deal less emotional than the average person. While on her way to her first day at her first job she runs into a strange person: a man who literally generates freezing cold whenever he becomes nervous or excited. This is Himuro-kun, who explains that he's the descendant of a 'snow-woman'. Not surprisingly, he also turns out to be a coworker at her new job.
12 episodes
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Unevaluated 4 |
[series:4608#628] |
Koori Zokusei Danshi to Cool na Douryou Joshi
(One episode watched):
Wait a minute--does this guy literally generate snow and cold, as if he were a high-powered human air conditioner? I was sure that it was just a metaphor--people felt as if they were in a freezing cold environment while near him, due to his odd personality, even though the actual temperature had not changed. That might actually have been fun, and I had started to hope that this would be an enjoyable office romance. But no, my hopes were swiftly quashed, because there was no way I could take this seriously (in addition, it turns out that another co-worker, Komori, is the descendant of a Fox Spirit). The characters have weird quirks rather than understandable and likable personalities. Since there is no attempt to plausibly explain these phenomena, about the only way this show could work would be if it were genuinely hilarious. But I found it to be painfully unfunny. The jokes were so unfunny that I wasn't sure if they had been meant as jokes at all, but what else might power this show? Despite (or because of) the bizarre premise I found this show to be extremely boring and was barely able to slog through one episode.
Last updated Tuesday, January 17 2023. Created Sunday, January 15 2023.