Aragne no Mushikago

Title:Aragne no Mushikago
Aragne: Sign of Vermilion
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: R1 License - Sentai Filmworks (ADV)
R1 License - Subtitled Only
Life could be better for shy, anxious university student Rin. The apartment she has rented is hardly the sunny palace the rental listings suggested. The housing complex is rundown, grim and haunted by troubled souls lurking in dark corners. Ghastly crimes are occurring in the vicinity. And a grinning stranger makes his unsettling presence known. Beyond all this, Rin is coming to realize that something even more sinister is manifesting itself, something at the cursed crossroads of mythology, monstrosity and medical science. Determined to find out more, Rin visits the library, where she meets a sympathetic young staffer. But what she learns does not begin to put her mind at ease.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

75-minute film that premiered on July 15, 2018.
Animated by Zelico Film and Presidio.
Licensed by Sentai Filmworks.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 6 5 7 5 5 Ggultra2764 [series:4413#1552]
The premise for Aragne involves a college student getting caught up in solving the mystery of a strange series of murders connected to mysterious insects and people surrounding the apartment complex she lives in. The film loves to screw with the audience's perception of the film's events and surroundings to get the audience to assume its female lead is somehow losing her sanity and hints are dropped regarding the true nature of the strange events unfolding around her. It also has its effective moments of horror coming from the abnormal insects and grotesque imagery of some monsters that attack Rin at points throughout the film.

However, Aragne does have some major shortcomings that do keep it from feeling more memorable. The animation for it is quite subpar, with characters seemingly designed in a 3DCG style that looks lifeless and choppy in action and scenery shots seemingly appearing to be more fluid in their camera movements than the animated characters. The film also seemingly tossed another direction in its story involving the female lead's relationship with another character that affects her to a degree as well at points in Aragne. But without the film devoting too much focus on exploring characters outside Rin, it's hard to give much of a hoot about the characters within the film besides having them exist as fodder for whatever mysterious circumstances are affecting the city populace.

In short, I'll admit Aragne has its moments of effective horror involving the designs of its macabre elements and attempting to distort the audience's perception of events due to Rin's horror over the events playing out around her. However between the film's subpar visuals and not providing enough focus on characters to have the audience develop some sort of connection to them, this makes the film feel largely forgettable since it doesn't have much else to hook in an audience and I'm not sure if I'd be compelled to see this more than once.

Last updated Saturday, December 11 2021. Created Saturday, December 11 2021.

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