Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san

Title:Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san
The Helpful Fox Senko-san
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Dogakobo
SUWABE Junichi
WAKI Azumi
Nakano is a beat-down salaryman who lives a miserable life, working long hours and living alone. But the Demigods have taken pity on him, and one day he comes home from work to find Senko, a kitsune (fox spirit) cooking dinner for him.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 7 7 7 7 6 6 Ggultra2764 [series:3684#1552]
This is another one of those light-hearted slice-of-life anime made to get a relaxing, positive vibe out of its audience as its titular kitsune character becomes a source of comfort in Nakano's stressful everyday life as an office worker. It's largely focused on exploring the mundane interactions between our main pair and a few other characters who they interact with throughout this title's 12-episode run, while having little in the way of actual plot development as many of its episodes are largely self-contained as far as any story goes. Outside of its slice-of-life focus likely giving it a niche appeal, do have a couple gripes with the series in that it usually makes some crude jokes resulting Senko's child-like appearance getting Nakano in potential trouble at the start of the series and the attempt in its final few episodes at a plot development with Senko that lacks enough TV time to have the proper impact necessary. Beyond that if fluffy slice-of-life titles are your cup of tea, Helpful Fox Senko-san is a decent enough entry in the genre to check out.

Last updated Friday, February 03 2023. Created Friday, February 03 2023.
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3684#628]
(One episode watched):

Well, who wouldn't want to be 'pampered' by a deity? But I found this show to be rather boring; it struck me as neither particularly funny nor moving. I can't help thinking that Senko being a Kitsune might be just an excuse for a middle aged man to have a girl to leer at--it's OK, because obviously you can't force a God to do anything, and she's really 800-odd years old, right? The fact that some of the other spirits are somewhat less modest than Senko makes me suspicious as well. And what is the basic conflict here? That Nakano is at risk of being overwhelmed by the 'darkness' within him? But that problem seems to have been solved already in episode one (and wasn't exactly gripping even there). It all seems rather simplistic to me. Apparently Nakano will wind up with a small harem of female Demigods pampering him before long. But that doesn't intrigue me, and with no noteworthy jokes to mention, what are we supposed to watch for?

Last updated Tuesday, April 23 2019. Created Tuesday, April 23 2019.

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