Title: | Getsuyoubi no Tawawa
Tawawa on Monday
Overall: | Unevaluated |
Keywords: |
2016, Drama, Fan Service, Modern, ONA, Short
Notables: |
Animation - PINE JAM
A miserable salaryman has one source of joy in his life: on Mondays he meets a teenage girl and they ride the train together. They met via an embarrassing accident, and nowadays he acts as her bodyguard against molesters who sometimes target girls on trains.
12 episodes |
A miserable salaryman has one source of joy in his life: on Mondays he meets a teenage girl and they ride the train together. They met via an embarrassing accident, and nowadays he acts as her bodyguard against molesters who sometimes target girls on trains.
12 episodes
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Unevaluated 4 |
[series:3266#628] |
Getsuyoubi no Tawawa
(Three episodes watched):
Well, this show sent me mixed signals. On the one hand, the premise of middle aged man with a teenage acquaintance is intriguing and endless possibilities leap to mind. It could be a very moving show about a frowned upon romance and two people finding meaning together. On the other hand, unfortunately, the girl's boobs seem to get as much attention as her face and mind do. To a considerable extent, the show trivializes itself by leaning on fanservice. This is especially frustrating since, again, the premise had so much potential. It feels like a golden opportunity is being thrown away. This is just a short with little time to work with, and there seems to be little ongoing plot; the subway girl didn't even appear in episode two, and only briefly in episode three. But what they all have in common is well-endowed young women. When I quit watching this was looking to be little more than a matter of 'how does the guy get a peek at someone's breasts today?'.
Last updated Thursday, May 03 2018. Created Tuesday, October 18 2016.