
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - MAPPA
MATSUOKA Yoshitsugu
Purely by chance, the completely inexperienced Tsukushi Tsukamoto finds himself playing soccer alongside his classmate, the ace Jin Kazama--and he likes it.

? episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3222#628]
(One episode watched):

Another sports anime, this time involving soccer (or 'futsal', as the characters call it). I don't care much for soccer and wasn't expecting much, but this show turned out to be OK. The characters were instilled with enough personality to make me care a little about what became of them; they could have had more, but they could have had less as well. I was modestly surprised when ace player Kazama (the blond guy) didn't turn out to be arrogant and contemptuous of below average players. Perhaps he recognizes that Tsukamoto has potential, thanks to his extreme determination. His determination is so great, in fact, that it's a little difficult to believe. He knew nothing about soccer at the beginning of the episode, after all. I noticed one laugh worthy joke, which is one more than many anime have to offer. The animation had a couple minor problems (the soccer fields were either extremely large or insects were roaming about them in one shot). I originally intended to watch episode two as well, but for some reason never got around to it. An OK show.

Last updated Thursday, August 29 2024. Created Wednesday, July 06 2016.

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