Suki-tte Ii na yo.

Title:Suki-tte Ii na yo.
Say "I love you."
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Zexcs
R1 License - Sentai Filmworks (ADV)
For 16 years, Tachibana Mei has had no boyfriend and couldn't even make friends. One day she accidentally injures Kurosawa Yamato, the most popular boy in school, but for some reason Yamato takes interest in her and one-sidedly declares her his friend. He even kisses Mei to protect her from a stalker.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

13 episode TV anime that premiered on October 6, 2012, plus 1 OVA episode (2013).
Animated by Zexcs
Licensed by Sentai Filmworks
Based on the manga series created by Kanae Hazuki.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 8 7 8 6 5 6 Ggultra2764 [series:2825#1552]
Say I Love You's story setup seems eerily similar to Kimi ni Todoke in that both are shoujo titles focused on teenage girls who are outcasts among their classmates yet develop a relationship with an attractive and popular boy that leads to romance and friendships with several other girls. This title is more on the serious side in terms of focusing on Mei and Yamato's developing relationship compared to Kimi ni Todoke's mixture of comedy to its developments. The series follows the typical cliches found in shoujo romance dramas with Yamato being the always understanding and kind love interest to Mei with a few characters introduced in later episodes to create dramatic tensions as said characters have interest in one of the main characters and test the relationship of Mei and Yamato, so don't go expecting anything out of the norm here.

On the plus side, Mei's character is a decent one to connect with as she is seriously saddled with feelings of loneliness and distrust towards her classmates in early episodes and it takes time for her to break down her walls to interact with others throughout the course of the series. This does make her a bit more relateable compared to Kimi ni Todoke's Sawako's naive and always optimistic character, who pushed my buttons enough to ditch watch of Kimi ni Todoke. Plus despite the cliches that this series pushes for its romance setup, it doesn't get heavily melodramatic as anything like 90s shoujo melodramas like Marmalade Boy and Hana Yori Dango, making it more bearable for me to push through. The artwork is also pleasing on the eyes with vivid color, nicely drawn scenic shots and a good amount of detail drawn on characters.

Praises aside though, Say I Love You doesn't really offer much fresh or engaging for the romance genre since it is still quite dependent on shoujo anime title cliches to push along its plot and character developments. If you're a sap for romance titles, this is still okay enough where you likely won't feel like you've wasted your time. But if you are looking for something a little more unconventional or complex for your romance anime, this isn't gonna be an anime worth the time to look into.

Last updated Friday, December 27 2013. Created Friday, December 27 2013.

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