Chō Jigen Game Neptune The Animation

Title:Chō Jigen Game Neptune The Animation
Hyperdimension Neptunia
超次元ゲイム ネプテューヌ The Animation
Keywords: , , , , ,
After having fought over Share energy for many years, the Goddesses signed a treaty which forbids each from taking Share energy from the other using forceful means. As a result of Neptune's laziness, Planeptune's shares steadily decline, and Histoire sends Neptune off to find a way to remedy the situation.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

12 episode TV anime that aired from July 12 to September 27 of 2013.
Animated by David Production
Based on the RPG video game series made by Idea Factory and Compile Heart.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 7 6 6 5 4 4 Ggultra2764 [series:2824#1552]
(Watch-/ Avoid+)

Neptunia is a case of both shameless product promotion of a video game series and fan pandering to the otaku crowd with its premise focused around a virtual world of countries that each have their own goddess/ CPU that are worshiped. While the virtual world and goddess elements would have their potential at world building and creating a somewhat engaging adventure despite enough virtual world anime titles having been made recently, this series instead chooses to focus on the antics and sometimes serious problems that are faced by the eight goddesses, giving it a mix of slice-of-life comedy and adventure. The group are hard to really care for though since each character is simply tacked on with a differing character archetype and don't really grow much out of it. Not to mention their only purpose of existence are to pander to saps of the whole moe craze with characters having their personal quirks and idiosyncrasies, dressing up in fetish-themed or revealing outfits and sometimes getting into suggestive predicaments that are exploited for cheap laughs or a poor attempt at arousing the audience. Adding to this title's existence being nothing but otaku bait are the names of the characters and their countries which are based off actual real-life video game consoles, companies and terminology.

Even in terms of using elements of adventure, Neptunia backfires as the group deal with cliched baddies who are either hard to take seriously as believable threats or play the cliched "power-crazed baddie" archetype. When dealing with major enemies, the series gets in enough of a bad habit of milking the cliched "power of friendship" plot device for the goddesses whenever all hope seems lost and to dispatch whatever baddie our eight goddesses have to confront. The goddesses even get in the habit of calling out their attacks when in their transformed states, which only adds how heavily ridden with cliches this series is.

Unless you're a sap for moe or are a fan of the video game franchise that this series is based on, I wouldn't waste any time trying to track this title down as its heavily cliched and only exists to pander to otaku and fans of the Neptunia video game franchise.

Last updated Saturday, December 21 2013. Created Saturday, December 21 2013.

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