Title: | Towanoquon
Overall: | Watch |
Keywords: |
2011, Action, Movie, Sci-Fi, Superhero
Notables: |
Animation - BONES
KAMIYA Hiroshi
R1 License - Sentai Filmworks (ADV)
In a futuristic Tokyo, humans who have awakened distinct powers are being hunted by a secret organization named Kestos. Denominated as Attracters, these exceptional individuals are joining forces to defend themselves. They are led by an idealist named Quon who is determined to save all Attracters he can.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
A six-part film series that premiered in theaters from June 18 to October 26 of 2011.
Animated by Bones
Licensed by Sentai Filmworks |
In a futuristic Tokyo, humans who have awakened distinct powers are being hunted by a secret organization named Kestos. Denominated as Attracters, these exceptional individuals are joining forces to defend themselves. They are led by an idealist named Quon who is determined to save all Attracters he can.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
A six-part film series that premiered in theaters from June 18 to October 26 of 2011.
Animated by Bones
Licensed by Sentai Filmworks
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Watch 4 |
9 |
9 |
9 |
6 |
5 |
5 |
[series:2782#1552] |
Towanoquon is sort of similar to X-Men in which a group of outcasts with special powers called Attractors are being hunted down in a dystopic future by a secret society desiring global domination and see the Attractors as a threat to their domination. Premise seem familiar? The characters aren't much better as they fill their specific archetypes such as the idealistic hero (Quon), the sexy partner (Yuri) and the crazed baddie who obviously wants world domination (Kamishiro). This makes them rather forgettable as characters, even if some of them get fleshing out as all the Attractors have a tragic past that eventually brought them all together (yet another tiresome cliche). The only positive that I can give the series is the animation which sports nicely detailed scenic shots and character designs, plus nicely animated action scenes between Attractors and the enemy cyborgs that are normally dispatched to capture or kill off Innovators throughout the series which are very fluid and great choreography milking the various abilities displayed by the Innovators and cyborgs. Otherwise, Towanoquon is as generic as you can get with its premise and characters, making it a rather forgettable film series as a result.
Last updated Saturday, September 28 2013. Created Saturday, September 28 2013.