Inu x Boku SS

Title:Inu x Boku SS
Inuboku Secret Service
妖狐×僕SS (Japanese)
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: HIDAKA Rina
Protected by the highest security, the Maison de Ayakashi is rumored to be haunted, where only eccentrics could live. In reality, it is a place for humans with non-human ancestors to live. The socially-inept Ririchiyo has come here to improve herself. She meets secret service bodyguard Soushi, who is assigned to protect residents. He has a request of her: "Please make me your dog."
(Synopsis courtesy of ANN)

A Winter 2012 series

12 episodes (?)

OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 8 7 8 7 5 5 Ggultra2764 [series:2526#1552]
Not missing out on much here. This baby's nothing more than otaku bait for both guys and gals between the occasional bath scenes and undressed moments involving tsundere lead Rurichiyo and other female characters, along with seeing attractive looking dressed guys like Soshi and Kagero. For the most part, characters follow specific fetishes and archetypes to accommodate the type of supernatural creature they are and a good amount of the humor revolves around the eccentricities of each character, some of which involves sexual innuendo being in play like Kagero's penchant for sadomasochism and Nobora's arousal towards cute girls like Rurichiyo. The romance played up in the show is quite predictable and the humor wasn't really appealing to me since I've seen it done before in rom-com titles like this. Unless you're fairly new to the common tropes titles like this play up, Inu x Boku SS is pretty forgettable as a title.

Last updated Saturday, January 25 2014. Created Saturday, January 25 2014.
Unevaluated Stretch [series:2526#628]
(Three episodes watched):

When I started watching episode one, I had not read the synopsis above and knew nothing about this show. Halfway through, my thinking was that this might be going somewhere worthwhile: a girl who is outwardly obnoxious, but not bad at heart, gets an odd bodyguard. There is some fanservice, but the jokes are OK. Best of all, perhaps rather than being episodic this show would have a long term plotline--like, what dark secret does Ririchiyo have, and how will Soushi help her come to grips with it? But then InuBoku got weird in a hurry. Apparently everyone is a half-human, half-supernatural demigod; Soushi is an Inukami sort of creature. The climax seemed to shout 'Aren't we awesome!? Look at our fantastic powers!'. But these themes are tired, and this felt like a disappointment to me. I have seen characters like this numerous times, and this presentation of them yet again was nothing to write home about. The thought later occured to me, does this show really need the supernatural element at all? It might actually be better off if it dropped that and concentrated on the rich girl and her absurdly loyal bodyguard. So, at the end I was left feeling resigned to thinking that this would probably be as good as InuBoku was going to get. It could have been much worse, and I decided to keep watching for the time being, but this was looking like a thoroughly average show. Episode three had little superpower stuff, yet remained as interesting as the ones before (modestly interesting, that is). I think I will discard this series; there's nothing terribly wrong with it, but nothing particularly right with it either.

Last updated Tuesday, February 21 2012. Created Wednesday, January 25 2012.

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