Title: | Battle Royal High School
Majin-den (Japanese)
Shinmajinden Batoru Royaru Haisukûru (Japanese)
真魔神伝 - バトルロイヤルハイスクール (Japanese)
Overall: | Avoid |
Keywords: |
1987, Action, Dark, Fantasy, Fighting, Magic, OVA, Sci-Fi, Supernatural, Violent
Notables: |
HONDA Chieko
When the school Karate club's star fighter quits and decides to go pro, he unwittingly fulfills an ancient interdimensional prophecy and becomes demon king of his dimension. Soon his high school becomes a battleground for demon slaying samurai, interplanetary law enforcement, and even his own traitorous demon minions. Well animated fight scenes ensue.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
60 minute single-episode OAV.
Animated by Tokuma Shoten.
Formerly licensed by Animeigo before the company's licensing rights for it expired in August 2011. |
When the school Karate club's star fighter quits and decides to go pro, he unwittingly fulfills an ancient interdimensional prophecy and becomes demon king of his dimension. Soon his high school becomes a battleground for demon slaying samurai, interplanetary law enforcement, and even his own traitorous demon minions. Well animated fight scenes ensue.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
60 minute single-episode OAV.
Animated by Tokuma Shoten.
Formerly licensed by Animeigo before the company's licensing rights for it expired in August 2011.
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Avoid 4 |
6 |
7 |
6 |
4 |
2 |
[series:2511#1552] |
Battle Royal High School
Egad, this was a mess. Battle Royal High School was seemingly trying to toss in everything but the kitchen sink in what it was attempting to explore: supernatural creatures, martial arts fanatics, antics of high school students, a futuristic fighter with advanced technologies, potential romance, delinquents. The plot doesn't even try to make sense of all the elements it tosses out at you as one minute you seem to have focus on an aspiring martial artist and the next, we have all the hoop-lah with the demon fairies, inter-dimensional demon hunter and future fighter that Battle Royal doesn't bother to elaborate on. All this tossed in with gory violence, shots of female nudity and one scene where we bare witness to an attempted rape. The only thing I can praise this heaping mess for was that the visuals were above average at points for an 80s anime sporting moments of fluid animation. But that isn't enough to save this sloppy pile of garbage. Anyone hoping to get into older anime titles should avoid Battle Royal High School like the plague.
Last updated Saturday, December 17 2011. Created Saturday, December 17 2011.