By the year 2120, humans have successfully colonized other planets following the near devestation of Earth from the last great world war. However, on Gloire, one such colony are surprised and unprepared at the arrival of The Zor, a group of beings whom were the original inhabitants of the planet and left following similar near fatal events. Coming to reclaim their former home world, a relentless war erupts between both races that ultimately leads to a cataclysmic showdown and into a no-win scenario for either.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)
23 episode TV anime series which aired from April 15, 1984 to September 30, 1984.
Licensed by Harmony Gold and ADV Films.
One of three unrelated anime titles licensed, edited and re-dubbed into one TV series by Harmony Gold in the mid 1980s to form the popular Robotech with footage from Southern Cross used to create the second generation arc for the show. The other two titles with footage used for Robotech are
Macross and
Genesis Rider Mospeada.