Minami-ke: Betsubara

Title:Minami-ke: Betsubara
Minami-ke Okaeri OVA
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Original Concept - SAKURABA Koharu
A bonus OAV episode released as an omake for the sixth volume of the Minami-ke manga series featuring Hosaka's usual daydreaming of Haruka going too nutty, Maho-chan thinking her true identity is at risk, and everyone getting excited in anticipation of Valentine's Day and chocolate treats.

Animation done by asread

(OAV, 1 episode 24 min.)
[edit] The ↗Minami-ke franchise:
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent Forbin [series:2159#1573]
It was good, first part was slow but the Valentine's day choclate fest was INCREDIBLE!

Last updated Friday, July 10 2009. Created Friday, July 10 2009.
Rent 9 8 8 7 7 7 Ggultra2764 [series:2159#1552]
A decent extra for fans of Minami-ke to check out as the comedy to this one is definitely worth checking out. There are four comedic shorts to be found in this omake treat I found myself chuckling quite a bit throughout the four shorts as they featured the usual silliness coming from the characters of the series from Hosaka's lovey-dovey thoughts of Haruka going too far to misunderstandings on Valentine's Day. My favorite scene of this OVA: Hayami finds her scheming backfiring on her against Hosaka. I've noticed that the artwork quality for Betsubara is up a notch from the TV series featuring smoother lines on scenery and characters, as well as brighter colors.

Betsubara is a worthwhile treat for those who have enjoyed the slice-of-life comedy of Minami-ke. I just wish that Okaeri had been more like the comedy of this OVA instead of the hit-or-miss gags found in that season.

Last updated Sunday, July 05 2009. Created Sunday, July 05 2009.

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