City Hunter (Live Action TV series)

Title:City Hunter (Live Action TV series)
Sitihunteo (Korean)
시티헌터 (Korean)
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
This updated story takes place in Seoul, 2011. Lee Yoon Sung is a talented MIT-graduate who works on the international communications team in the Blue House (The Korean equivalent of the white house). When Lee was a child, his father served as a Korean special forces soldier and was killed to cover up an unauthorized attack on North Korea. Angry at the betrayal, he plans revenge on the five politicians who decided to hide their political mistake by eliminating all of the witnesses. So with the assistance of his surrogate father Lee Jin Pyo, Lee Yoon Sung starts down a path that will lead him to being a “City Hunter.”

The Korean SBS broadcast company has decided to produce a live-action adaption of Tsukasa Hojo's City Hunter. The setting has been moved from the 1980's Tokyo to Seoul, Korea in the year 2011. This series features twenty 90-minute episodes.

[edit] The ↗City Hunter Franchise:

Original Story: Parallel universe remake (same characters): Alternate version: Alternate version:

Other Sites
Official Website (korean)

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