Iron Man

Title:Iron Man
Keywords: , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Madhouse
Original Concept - Marvel Comics
Madhouse President and CEO Jungo Murata has announced that his company will be working a 12 Episode anime TV series based on Marvel comics' Iron Man story, and inspired by the 2008 live action movie. The anime series is set to aire in spring of 2010.

(sourced from ANN)

Sony has announced that they will releasing this 12ep series worldwide and this title will anchor their new Japanese ANIMAX premium cable channel. [sourced from ANN]

[edit] Marvel Comics Anime Franchise

OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 9 9 9 7 5 6 Ggultra2764 [series:1933#1552]
Being the first of four Marvel Comic franchises adapted into an anime, Iron Man goes for a standard storyline where Tony has to contend with a secret terrorist organization called Zodiac and its various robotic creations. To a great extent, the series follows a "robot of the day" setup as Tony takes on different enemy robots in each episode as he tries piecing together the motives of Zodiac, each robot controlled by a human user that the series tries to provide subpar developments for to try rationalizing why said character is involved with Zodiac. The motives of the organization and who is the leader of it do become quite predictable as you push through the series. As discussed in the summary, the series appears to be made in mind for those who seen the Iron Man live-action movie with mention of characters and elements to the plot. The series does devote much of an episode to explore Tony's origins as Iron Man, though this serves as a poorly written excuse to have a character from Tony's past be part of Zodiac.

Visually, there is clear effort by Madhouse to make Iron Man look as pleasing on the eyes as possible. Scenery shots of Tokyo are vast, lively and full of detail with character designs just as visually detailed, though seeing Tony and other movie characters animated takes some getting used to. Battle suit/ robot designs appeared to mix CG and traditional animation with the former fitting almost seamlessly in with the latter. The animated highlight of the series is obviously the battle scenes, which Iron Man is loaded with considering the show's "robot of the day" plot setup. Movements in battle scenes are fluid and intense, taking place on the ground, in the air and even an episode taking place in space.

While an action anime or Iron Man fan may feel drawn to this anime for the battle scenes or seeing Tony in an anime series, the plot for it is standard fare and having its moments of sloppy writing coming from the mentioned character from Tony's past and the motives of some of the people used in the "robot of the day" plot setup. While not as bad as I heard of the Madhouse-Marvel collaborations, this is still some pretty forgettable fare.

Last updated Saturday, April 13 2013. Created Saturday, April 13 2013.

Other Sites
Wikipedia - Marvel's Iron Man Comics

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