Boku no Sexual Harassment

Title:Boku no Sexual Harassment
My sexual harrassment
Keywords: , ,
Mochizuki is your average business man with a dream. He wants to be the best business man he can be, because he feels that he is nothing special when it comes to areas of expertise. He is constantly in conflict about how he goes about rising in the business world, as it is - well, unconventional. While working at a computer firm Mr. Honma, his boss, gives him certain advice on how and what he has to do to become a great business man like him, while his friend Fujita watches him.

3 OVA episodes (1994/1995)
Produced by Kitty Media
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OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 6 7 5 7 9 duoikari [series:1260#1735]
i really was looking forward to watching this OVA but i got really disspointed at the end. I have to warn you this OVA is not the faint heart again, like senseless pornography, it really does have much of a plot. And the plot that does exist isn't that good at all. It is basically one guy trying to make his way to the top and he using 'Diferent' types of methods to get there.

It wasn't a complete waste of time though, the story types itself was very good and it does give it that edge that is needed in a yaoi, but it didn't quite hit the top with me.

Last updated Tuesday, November 29 2005. Created Tuesday, November 29 2005.

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