Mail Order Maiden 28

Title:Mail Order Maiden 28
The Dutch Wife
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: U-Jin
Aiwa spends his days endlessly obsessing over a girl named Kozue, whom he can never have, and runs every chance encounter with her through his mind. To put his mind a little more at ease, Aiwa had ordered a little something special to brighten up those long nights, but it took so long to arrive that he totally forgot about it! When Aiwa opens his box, he finds out that technology is a little better than he bargained for, and Aiwa's in for the surprise of his life. Inside is Satomi, who is just about exactly what every man is looking for: loyal, pure-hearted, cheerful ... and utterly insatiable.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch Stretch [series:1062#628]
Well, I had been hoping for something along the lines of Buttobi CPU, which was cut tragically short at a mere three episodes, but it was not to be. Whereas that show was genuinely funny and even a little touching, Mail Order Maiden had the effect of leaving me feeling embarassed that I had watched such a thing. It was mildly amusing, and I had heard that U-jin was a master or irony in hentai anime, but just reading a review ahead of time pretty much gave away the one principal joke (be careful what you wish for...). Perhaps one of the reasons I found MOM28 to be disappointing was because of the differences in the main characters. Whereas Akira in CPU was not initially interested in girls at all, and when he got an artificial one by mistake felt he'd been robbed, Aiwa is clearly a pervert who was sent exactly what he thought he wanted. I didn't hate him, and he starts to feel something more than simple lust for Satomi towards the end, but 40 minutes didn't allow him to make a major turnaround. Also, unlike Mimi in CPU, Satomi is relatively simple minded, and only wants to carry out her instructions, no questions asked. The problem is that once you give her an order, there doesn't seem to be any way to countermand it! It was amusing for a while, but was getting old before the show ended. And then there was a certain vulgar scene that resulted from Satomi taking an offhand comment literally... somehow I feel an urge to go take a shower! The fact that I was watching the English dub, which by all accounts is pretty pathetic, certainly didn't help me enjoy this one. The thought occured to me at one point that maybe the pronunciation of Satomi's name ("sah-ta-mee") was supposed to sound like the word "sodomy". In short, I found Mail Order Maiden to be disappointing, and I doubt if I'll ever rewatch it.

Last updated Thursday, May 19 2005. Created Thursday, May 19 2005.

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