Puka Puka Juju

Title:Puka Puka Juju
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Mika is a young girl who wishes to go to the beach with her father on the weekend, but is unable due to his work and his fear of the ocean. Bummed out once again, she is cheered up by Juju, her inflatable manatee.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

25-episode short film that premiered on March 19, 2012.
Animated by The Answer Studio.
Part of the 2012 Anime Mirai film festival.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 8 8 7 5 7 Ggultra2764 [series:3304#1552]
Puka Puka Juju explores the somewhat strained relationship between Mika and her father as the former is upset of her father devoting so much of his time toward work and the latter is hesitant to spend time with his daughter in the sea due to a fear he has had of the sea since being a child. Mixed in with the father-daughter relationship development are some fantasy elements when both get whisked away to a magical world involving Fuka's inflatable manatee and the spoiled child ruler of the world they are transported to. Both are nicely integrated to explore the problems that both characters have and eventually coming together to resolve both their crisis in the magical world and Mika's father eventually able to overcome his fears to have time with his daughter. While character designs for this short are a bit on the simple side, it still sports beautiful scenic designs and fluid animation that is shown off well during some of the animated magical world sequences and whenever characters are swimming in the sea. Overall, this is a rather solid short film in exploring a father-daughter bond and is worth a look if you are into titles that the whole family could check out.

Last updated Monday, January 16 2017. Created Monday, January 16 2017.

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