Blood Royal

Title:Blood Royal
Blood Royale
Keywords: , , , , ,
"Blood Royal Princess" is based on the game "Blood Royal", a PC hentai game made by the now defunct CherrySoft. Two princess from distant lands flee from harm, only to meet up with one of the most notorious pirates in the seven seas.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 8 9 8 6 6 6 MasterYoshidino [series:630#598]
This anime has a lot of scat. And I mean A LOT. Recently available uncensored, the animation quality is fairly out of focus but does stick to CherrySoft's character design of the game. It is animated in a 16:9 scale, unlike most which are 4:3. The pirate is really sick and makes the two princesses do very stomach sickening things like eat shit. If bondage and pee/shit is your cup of pee then this is definately worth your while. Otherwise avoid like the plague.

Last updated Wednesday, June 30 2004. Created Wednesday, August 20 2003.

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