Guild no Uketsuke Jou Desu ga, Zangyou wa Iyananode Boss o Solo Toubatsu Shiyou to Omoima

Title:Guild no Uketsuke Jou Desu ga, Zangyou wa Iyananode Boss o Solo Toubatsu Shiyou to Omoima
I May Be a Guild Receptionist, But I'll Solo Any Boss to Clock Out on Time
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - CloverWorks
Alina Clover is a receptionist at the Iffole Counter adventurer's guild. She appreciates her safe, stable and secure job as a public servant. The one thing that annoys her is overtime, which cuts into her free time. Lately the Hellflame Dragon, the boss monster of the Belfla Ruins, has been keeping adventurers from advancing, resulting in lots of needless documentation, red tape and overtime. Alina has become very frazzled and realizes that this situation isn't going to improve until somebody defeats this Dragon.

? Episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4872#628]
(Three episodes watched):

You can guess where this is going, as I did. A mysterious masked solo adventurer, who has come to be known as 'The Executioner', shows up and makes short work of the Hellflame Dragon using remarkable skills and a secret weapon. This is the basic joke at the heart of this comedy isekai series. Problem is, it didn't strike me as all that funny. In order to be funny, something has got to make sense in an unexpected way. But a lot of things about this premise don't make sense. Where did Alina, a bureaucrat, acquire fantastic skills and a priceless magical weapon? How is she able to crush a supposedly almost indestructible 'relic' with her bare hand? She must have somehow gotten ahold of a 'Dia skill', a divinely bestowed super-ability. But how would an office worker who emphasizes that she wants nothing but to be free to enjoy herself when off the clock do that? And if she could, wouldn't she make far more money as an adventurer (or simply by selling the weapon) than she does at the guild? It is a joke which is only funny if you don't think too much. But, Alina is likable, and I sort of wonder where the story will go from here, so I'll probably watch episode two.

The artwork of this show is definitely better than average. In episode two a jerk adventurer puts Alina in monetary trouble, and the head of the adventurers guild figures out the connection between her and The Executioner (as the silver-haired guy did in episode one). Yet something was definitely missing from this show. I felt neither excited nor particularly amused by the unfolding story. I guess this series was meant to be primarily a comedy but it just isn't all that funny. I can't think of any jokes that made me do anything more than smile while watching the episode. Nevertheless I watched episode three for the sake of the plot. Alina wins a bet with the guild leader who promises to leave her alone. But the discovery of an all new dungeon promises to swamp her with paperwork and overtime, so she agrees just this once to join the esteemed Silver Sword adventuring team to go check this place out and stabilize the situation. Another jerk adventurer creates a problem and as much as she would like to relax, Alina knows that her fellow adventurers are liable to wind up in deep trouble without her. One thing that is definitely unusual about this show is that the main and strongest character is a girl. Usually Isekai series go to great pains to keep the girls subordinate to the guys.

Last updated Thursday, February 06 2025. Created Friday, January 24 2025.

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