Bye Bye, Earth

Title:Bye Bye, Earth
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - LIDEN FILMS
Bell Lablac is the only human in a world of animal-human hybrids. She was once an orphan who was caught trying to steal a magical sword, 'Runding' because she was somehow irresistably attracted to it. She and the sword were put in the custody of Sian Lablac, an esteemed Enola (teacher). Bell is seen as 'featureless' and 'beastly' by others and wonders why she is unique. After years of training Sian feels he has taught Bell about everything he knows, and suggests that she take Runding and go on a journey to find out if anyone else of her species exists.

10 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4829#628]
(One episode watched):

What would an anime with a title like Bye Bye, Earth be about? Global warming? Space travel? I was curious.

...and the first shot of episode one was of a girl holding a gigantic sword. So much for my expectations of anything unusual. We basically meet Bell when is sent by Sian to deal with a negroni, a squid/deer/flower/something-or-other. There was something about it having gotten here from the ocean and wanting to go back but can't, and salt water is poisoning the lake--it made no sense whatsoever, other than the sense that a sword and sorcery anime must include a swordfight in its first episode. Bell seems sympathetic to the creature at one point but ultimately hacks it to pieces. There are references to strange things like the 'weather wheel tower' and the 'army of insatiable emptiness' and a German phrase, but no explanations. It quickly became clear to me that this show was not worth the trouble that would be needed to sort it all out. Other than her wondering why she's the only one who doesn't have animal shaped ears, we never really get to know Bell and therefore I could not really care what she learns on this quest of hers. There are shows whose plots are easy to understand because they are simplistic, and there are shows which are so complicated and confusing that you cannot understand their plots, and I would Liken BBE to one of those. And despite all the complications and confusion, I wouldn't really say that there is anything original about it.

Last updated Wednesday, August 07 2024. Created Wednesday, August 07 2024.

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