Dungeon Meshi

Title:Dungeon Meshi
Delicious in Dungeon
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Trigger
NAKA Hiroshi
The swordsman Laios and his adventurer companions were lucky to escape with their lives from a dungeon after a run-in with a red dragon. But Falin, a magician, wasn't so fortunate and was devoured by the beast. Laios wants to launch an immediate rescue operation (Falin might still be magically revived) but the party has no money or supplies. A possible solution: perhaps they can live off the land, so to speak, by eating plants and animals that exist within the dungeon.

24 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4818#628]
(Three episodes watched)

This is a show which is almost universally agreed to be good yet for various reasons I didn't get around to watching any of it until it was near the conclusion of its two-season run.

Last updated Thursday, July 25 2024. Created Thursday, July 25 2024.

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