
An Archdemon's Dilemma - How to Love Your Elf Bride
Maou no Ore ga Dorei Elf o Yome ni Shitanda ga, Dō Medereba Ii?
Keywords: , , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Brains Base
The feared and hated sorceror Zagan, one of the 13 'Archdemons', is content to live alone in a deserted castle in what is known as The Lost Woods. Another archdemon, Barbatos, persuaded him to go to an auction of the possessions of another recently departed archdemon. Among them was a captive Elf girl, 'Nephy'. Zagan had always thought that women were more trouble than they were worth, but something about Nephy struck him and he spent his fortune to purchase her. Now, how does this gruff and socially deficient sorceror persuade this girl to fall in love with him?

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4795#628]
(Four episode watched):

Here's an odd premise which might have considerable potential: a not particularly popular but not outright evil sorceror paired with an Elf girl who describes herself as a 'cursed child'. I just wish there were more signs of true quality. The jokes are so-so, Zagan's personality hasn't developed much, and so far Nephy hardly has a personality at all--she might still turn out to be nothing but a submissive girl who will do whatever she's told, just like most male viewers would love to have. That would be the quick and easy way to complete a reasonably successful anime. But, on the other hand, maybe Zagan will find a way to lift Nephy's curse; or maybe at some point he'll take the risk of removing the magical shackles that keep her from running away, both to prove to her that he really loves her. I think I will watch episode two, but my fingers are crossed.

I did watch episode two, but didn't take any notes and didn't immediately enter my impressions here, and a week or two later I find I cannot remember much about it. That's why I create these short summaries of shows. But it couldn't have been a terrible disappointment, because I watched episode three as well. Nephy has gotten the message that Zagan doesn't intend to exploit her, and in return becomes a loyal maid who does pretty much whatever she's told. Not exactly a deep and intiguing personality, and it's hard to see how a truly moving romance could develop between the two of them, but we can still feel sorry for her. It seems that she was shunned as a child because while she isn't a sorceror like Zagan, she can employ 'mysticism', which is basically another form of magic. I'd rather she have an interesting personality than an awesome magical skill, but apparently most viewers would prefer the reverse. The church of this land is hostile to sorcerors like Zagan and a team of knights comes to punish him for supposedly being a kidnapper, but once gloves are off they stand no chance against him. But nobody gets killed or permanently injured, and the fight kind of fizzles out inconclusively--neither funny nor exciting. While it isn't bad, I still wish there was some true, noteworthy quality to this show.

Zagan offers to teach sorcery to Nephy, and will no doubt learn a few things himself from her mysticism. He is also granted a promotion of sorts by the Archdemons, but it seems that the sort of powers he will be granted come at a heavy cost. I think it is because he loves Nephy and doesn't want her to become entangled in this dark sorcery that he basically removes her collar and casts her out without any explanation--we, too, could have used better explanation. It makes no sense the way he leaves her thinking that she has done something that angered him; this sort of dumb-as-a-brick behavior from supposedly intelligent characters has shown up in other anime in the past and thoroughly annoys me. Of course the two will eventually make up, and of course their rapprochment will make about as much sense as their separation did. This show was starting to feel more like a liability than an asset and I decided to quit watching.

Last updated Tuesday, December 31 2024. Created Tuesday, April 09 2024.

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