Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers

Title:Mahou Shoujo Magical Destroyers
Magical Girl Magical Destroyers
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Bibury Animation Studio
2008: It began without any warning. People known as otaku, regardless of their preferred genre, became targets of the government. Nobody was able to stop them. The government said they wanted to 'protect' a world-famous culture. For some reason, nobody questioned that. It only took a single week to round most of the otaku up. But, three years later, the otaku have launched their resistance, led by someone named Otaku Hero.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4654#628]
(One episode watched):

Well, the premise of otaku fighting back against a government effort to suppress them seemed intriguing at first. Problem was, this show struck me as painfully unfunny. Comedy happens when we are told something which we weren't expecting, yet it makes sense in an unexpected way (why did the chicken cross the road...). This show makes no sense at all. Are these government troops robots, or humans wearing armored suits, or what? Is deadly force OK here? Sometimes the government troops use assault rifles and sometimes they use bamboo traing swords. What's with this flying small red creature? Where did the otaku get a blimp from? Why didn't anyone bother to shoot a hole in it? In general, how seriously are we supposed to take this? When you are just confused things aren't funny. The characters seemed kind of overdone to me: they are very emotional but not rational or likable. I don't associate with them even though I am arguably an otaku myself. They are depicted more as weirdos than people with a passion. I also think Otaku Hero and Anarchy needed a better introduction. They remain largely strangers to us at the end of the first episode. My impression was that this show was taking a 'let's just throw a lot of stuff against the wall and see what sticks' approach, and very little stuck. That's a shame, since this is the only Mahou Shoujo anime so far this year, and there was only one last year.

Last updated Wednesday, April 19 2023. Created Wednesday, April 19 2023.

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