Itazura Guma no Gloomy

Title:Itazura Guma no Gloomy
Gloomy the Naughty Grizzly
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - NAZ
HANAE Natsuki
What is liable to happen when you keep a full-grown grizzly bear--and a naughty one--as a pet? Even if it is pink and superdeformed like Gloomy, things can easily get ugly, as his supposed owner, Pitty, repeatedly finds.

? episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4322#628]
(Four episodes watched):

The basic joke here is that even though things are depicted in a superdeformed, brightly colored format that one would associate with children's cartoons, episodes typically result in Pitty getting mauled by Gloomy. It works pretty well; you have to see it for yourself. Pitty is hopelessly naive and optimistic about how keeping a pet bear will work out, and things work out about how they inevitably would if someone in the real world tried to do the same. Somehow slight variations on this basic joke seem to remain humorous time after time.

Last updated Monday, May 17 2021. Created Monday, May 17 2021.

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