Shakunetsu Kabaddi

Title:Shakunetsu Kabaddi
Burning Kabaddi
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: OKAMOTO Nobuhiko
Middle school soccer star Yoigoshi Tatsuya has soured on sports in general. He hates the gossip, jealousy and insincerity that he has come to associate with them. He would much rather concentrate on his new hobby of internet livestreaming. But as a first-year high school student, his local fame precedes him and numerous teams want to recruit him--including that of a strange sport he had never heard of, called 'Kabaddi'.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4290#628]
(One episode watched):

We used to have a strange sport at my elementary school, too. It was called 'Smear the Queer' (this was long before anyone had heard of political correctness or anything like that). Basically, a ball would be thrown in the air and whoever caught it would run until he was tackled by everyone else. Then he'd throw it to someone, who would likewise take off running. That's about as complex as it got. Kabaddi might be a bit more sophisticated, what with score keeping and markings on the floor, but I think Smear the Queer was more exciting. Does Kabaddi really exist, or was it invented by the author of a manga? I don't know, and I'm not sure it would work if it was real. It's basically a matter of whether or not a person can be tackled and brought to the floor before they travel ten feet or so. Is it complex enough that it would be entertaining to watch? I had thought that this show was going to be about wrestling and that 'Kabbadi' would be the name of the main character. Early on, it seemed that this show was instilling Yoigoshi with some personality, namely his unusual dislike of sports. I had sort of come to sympathize with him and his wish to just be left alone. But this central aspect of his personality quickly melts away as he predictably becomes obliged to participate in Kabaddi. I didn't like these guys basically trying to press gang Yoigoshi into playing Kabaddi and him not resisting more. He foolishly accepts a bet that he didn't have to and naturally loses. No doubt he'll soon come to love Kabaddi as well. But I was not particularly excited by this strange sport and felt disappointed by him.

Last updated Tuesday, April 20 2021. Created Thursday, April 08 2021.

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