Peter Grill to Kenja no Jikan

Title:Peter Grill to Kenja no Jikan
Peter Grill and the Philosopher's Time
Keywords: , , , , , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Wolfsbane
Peter Grill has won the Grand Fighting Tournament--he's the first human to do so in 150 years. He hopes that his triumph will convince the father of his girlfriend Luvellia to grant him permission to marry her; what he wasn't counting on is that his win has put his sperm in high demand among females of various races.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3980#628]
(Six episodes watched):

When one of two ogre sisters tries to sneak into bed with Peter, and is caught by the other and berated for it, I thought to myself 'I bet that while this one is acting nobler, first chance she gets she'll try to do just the same'. And, sure enough, that was exactly what happened. This was another T&A anime with predictable jokes. The one thing I liked was that Luvellia is laughably naive (she still thinks that babies are delivered by Storks), and I wonder where that might go. Nevertheless, I was kind of relieved to find that this is only a half-length, 12 minute series, because the premise is so shallow and flippant that that is about as long as I could maintain interest. On the other hand, the thought struck me during episode two that this was one show which was making some effort at telling seriously funny jokes instead of the usual excuses for jokes that ecchi anime usually tack on just so that they can claim that they weren't entirely about tits and ass. There are some extremely dangerous situations where Peter is at high risk of being caught in the act of doing something shocking that would definitely kill his hopes to marry Luvellia--like where he is sitting at a table during a feast but what isn't visible is that he has no pants on. At least the show doesn't feel dirty. There are lines like "spilling your secret gravy inside of me". Peter finds himself in the young man's dream--numerous girls just want to have sex with him and expect nothing else in return. He makes a respectable effort to resist, which allows us to still like him, but ultimately gives in to temptation each time. Luvellia's powerful father despises him, which makes him sort of an underdog. But the cycle also gets tiresome. Apparently there will be only four girls in Peter's secret harem, and all have appeared by episode six, so I wondered what would happen in the second half of the series. But I didn't wonder all that much; if no more fansubs of Peter Grill were released I wouldn't have been heartbroken. And when you get right down to it, while it does make a modest effort, ultimately it's more about screwing than about wit and humor. I lost interest in this show and quit watching around halfway through.

Last updated Saturday, September 12 2020. Created Sunday, July 19 2020.

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