Title: | Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga
Overall: | Unevaluated |
Keywords: |
2020, Comedy, Historical, Modern, TV
Notables: |
In his last moments as the castle of Honnouji is stormed in 1583, famous warlord Oda Nobunaga jokes that perhaps he'll be reincarnated as a dog as punishment for the various war crimes that he has committed over his long career. He turns out to be remarkably prescient, as today he is a Shiba Inu named 'Cinnamon'.
12 episodes |
In his last moments as the castle of Honnouji is stormed in 1583, famous warlord Oda Nobunaga jokes that perhaps he'll be reincarnated as a dog as punishment for the various war crimes that he has committed over his long career. He turns out to be remarkably prescient, as today he is a Shiba Inu named 'Cinnamon'.
12 episodes
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Unevaluated 4 |
[series:3803#628] |
Oda Cinnamon Nobunaga
(One episode watched):
Along with Joan of Arc, Oda Nobunaga is the historical figure with either the most- or second-most anime about him. This was a bizarre premise but it didn't make me laugh and barely made me smile (maybe the bit about Nobunaga enjoying a 'belly-rub'). This premise might have been enough--barely enough--for one episode of a series about strange reincarnations of famous persons, but I cannot conceive of it being stretched out to an entire series all by itself.
Last updated Monday, April 13 2020. Created Tuesday, January 21 2020.