Title: | Uchi no Ko no tame naraba, ore wa moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamoshirenai
If It’s for My Daughter, I’d Even Defeat a Demon Lord
Overall: | Unevaluated |
Keywords: |
2019, Action, Fantasy, Magic, Swordplay, TV
Notables: |
Animation - Maho Film
OKAMOTO Nobuhiko
While wrapping up a quest in a dense forest, experienced adventurer Dale happens upon Latina, an orphaned demon girl who is wandering alone. He takes pity on the adorable girl and takes her back to the city of Kreuz, where he ultimately decides to adopt her.
12 episodes |
While wrapping up a quest in a dense forest, experienced adventurer Dale happens upon Latina, an orphaned demon girl who is wandering alone. He takes pity on the adorable girl and takes her back to the city of Kreuz, where he ultimately decides to adopt her.
12 episodes
Overall | Art | Animation | Character Design |
Music | Series Story | Episode Story | Reviewer |
Unevaluated 4 |
[series:3730#628] |
Uchi no Ko no tame naraba, ore wa moshikashitara Maou mo Taoseru kamoshirenai
(One episode watched:
I was not all that thrilled by episode one; Latina is curiously un-traumatized by the recent death of her father, for one thing. We don't get to know Dale all that well, either. But the implication from the title that this will be more than just a matter of learning how to be a father (and the lengthy, drawn-out nature of the title itself) made me curious what might lie ahead for Dale and Latina. One unusual touch is that the two don't speak the same language right from the start.
Last updated Thursday, July 18 2019. Created Thursday, July 18 2019.