Aru Zombie Shōjo no Sainan

Title:Aru Zombie Shōjo no Sainan
Calamity of a Zombie Girl
Keywords: , , , ,
Notables: Animation - GONZO
A beautiful girl named Euphrosyne is regretfully a zombie. Euphrosyne wakes up in an underground archive of a university, where a maid named Alma tells her, "Madam, kill the students and retrieve the 'Secret Stone.'"
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

80-minute ONA released on July 4, 2018.
Animated by Gonzo and Stingray.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 7 7 7 5 5 Ggultra2764 [series:3702#1552]
This ONA seems to get somewhat of a horrible reception by folks for how nonsensical it is, though I believe that was what Calamity of a Zombie Girl was aiming for. It doesn't take itself seriously in dabbling into B-movie horror fare with its rather ridiculous plot twists, stupid decisions by characters, some over-the-top ways characters get gorily killed off, and our two zombie girls getting into lighter moments with one another as they learn about the modern era and muse over their supernatural situation. Obviously, I wouldn't recommend showing this to younger or sensitive viewers thanks to its graphic violence and some nudity. Plus, I don't think anyone who isn't a fan of B-movie horror or black comedy may enjoy this either. But if you're a fan of either of those, would at least recommend checking it out at least once.

Last updated Monday, June 24 2019. Created Monday, June 24 2019.

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