Evil or Live

Title:Evil or Live
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: ANZAI Chika
Animation - Emon Animation Company
UEDA Shinichiro
Amid an epidemic of 'internet addiction', drastic steps have been taken to break the habits of young addicts. The 'Elite Re-education Academy' is a place which desperate parents may send their children to, in order to have their problems essentially beaten out of them via treatment that resembles Marine Corps basic training.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3438#628]
(One episode watched):

The revelation early on that this show would be about a hypothetical treatment for internet addiction intrigued me and made me eager for more. This is a genuine problem that might indeed get totally out of hand someday and demand that drastic steps be taken. But I was dismayed by the sheer brutality of the ERA. This is more of a punishment for addiction, not a treatment for it; the characters might as well be drug addicts, as far as I could tell. Pure physical brutality is just ugly, whereas an unconventional psychological approach to the problem could easily be intriguing. I don't want to watch nothing but beatings and despair. ANN listed 'horror' as a keyword, but it seems to be just the horror of cruelty and violence. There are some modestly intriguing twists--like some prisoners get a degree of respect from the guards for some reason, and the main character discovers someone he knows among his fellow detainees. But the show didn't exactly 'wow' me and my enthusiasm was lukewarm at best. After episode one I did not watch anymore.

Last updated Sunday, August 05 2018. Created Saturday, October 21 2017.

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