Dimension W

Title:Dimension W
Keywords: , , ,
Notables: R1 License - FUNimation
Humanity harnessed a new inexhaustible energy from inventions called "Coils" in 2051. In 2072, a skilled recovery specialist named Kyōma Mabuchi encounters a mysterious, beautiful woman right in the middle of a certain job. It is a fateful encounter that opens the door to the new dimension "W."
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

TV anime that premiered on January 10, 2016.
Animated by Orange and Studio 3Hz.
Licensed by Funimation.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 8 8 8 5 5 5 Ggultra2764 [series:3139#1552]
On paper, Dimension W's premise would seem like an intriguing one in its focus on series lead Kyouma being a sort of bounty hunter of illegal versions of energy cores called Coils, that provide an unlimited form of energy from an alternate dimension, and comes across an android named Mira who is powered by a Coil. While the first quarter of the series starts off okay, things quickly become a mess in later episodes when the series haphazardly attempts a number of different story directions that don't feel cohesively put together and the motives of the characters largely being rather cliched and not much to give a hoot about. Overall, a rather forgettable sci-fi anime.

Last updated Sunday, October 20 2019. Created Sunday, October 20 2019.
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3139#628]
(Part of one episode watched):

I wish I could define exactly where the dividing line between 'interesting' and 'not interesting' lies, and what it takes to carry me across it. Maybe one reason why some shows leave me completely unengaged is because I detect a pattern in them which I have already seen in some terrible ones in the past. Things like two-dimensional bad guys who I am supposed to accept as 100% evil without asking any questions; and since they are so bad, surely anybody who opposes them must be good and I should root for him or her--again, without asking questions. Perhaps I subconsciously resent being told how to feel rather than being allowed to make that choice for myself. I don't like ham-fisted attempts to herd me along and manipulate my emotions instead of the show deftly giving me clever hints and politely persuading me to feel a certain way. Dimension W was a show which rubbed me the wrong way almost right from the start. Flamboyant character designs, but characters that are dull and lifeless. Plenty of high technology to wow me but simplistic characters and storytelling. A ninja-like guy who's too good to believe at knife throwing, yet apparently I'm supposed to believe it and accept him as my hero. In short, an attempt at a show that has everything but interesting characters, as if it were easier to splurge on special effects than to invest in a little quality writing. I have seen this offer before, and I'm not buying. If fanservice is one way to grab viewers with a minimum of effort, violence must be another one. Right from the start, I was getting a feeling that I had better stay away from Dimension W. Maybe I'm being too harsh on this show, but I feel as if this is another incarnation of a sort of shallow action anime which once burned me when I touched it.

Last updated Monday, October 21 2019. Created Thursday, January 14 2016.

Other Sites
Official Japanese Series Web Site http://dimension-w.net/

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