Dog Days" (2015)

Title:Dog Days" (2015)
ドッグデイズ'' (Japanese)
Keywords: , , , ,
A sequel to a sequel of Dog Days (2011).
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:3009#628]
(One episode watched):

Before creating this page, I did a 'Search Titles' of 'Dog Days' to make certain that nobody had already created a page for it. I found that indeed a page already existed--but it dated to 2011, not 2015. And what's more, I myself had written a review of this 2011 version, and had clearly not been very impressed by it. The fact that the series had been dropped after one episode and had been completely forgotten since then didn't speak well about the Dog Days franchise. But somebody must be watching it, because according to ANN this 2015 incarnation is not the second, but the third one--there is Dog Days (2011), Dog Days' (2012) and now Dog Days" (2015)(notice that the quotation marks at the end of the title but not the beginning are not a typo). As for me, it became clear within a matter of a few minutes that this would be a cobbled-together assortment of anime fantasy stereotypes (Heroes, girls with cute animal ears, moe in general, dueling, royalty, man-eating plants, etc, etc) without any original or interesting story to tell. I found myself wondering where the dividing line between shows that strike me as interesting and those that don't is located. Does interest largely spring from novelty? because I'd rather watch a new story this time than just rewatch the same one I just finished? And shows like Dog Days" somehow send a vibe of 'just as uninteresting as watching a rerun', because I get the same impression of there being nothing I haven't already seen? At any rate, I fast-forwarded through most of the episode, saw nothing of interest, and now that I recognize this as a boring sequel to a boring original series, I think I have seen enough and, like the original series, will forget it before long.

Last updated Sunday, January 18 2015. Created Friday, January 16 2015.

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