Nerawareta Gakuen

Title:Nerawareta Gakuen
Psychic School Wars
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - SUNRISE
It's a new school year at the local Junior High School i Kamakura. The school year starts off with a new transfer student Ryoichi Kyogoku who joins the 8th grade class. He has been ordered to join the school, and use his special gift of telepathy and take over their school. This boy who happens to be handsome, and be a charismatic person, gains popularity, and using his powers takes over the entire school, except for Seki. This begins a war to regain their freedom for their school and themselves.
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

110-minute film released on October 20, 2012.
Animated by Sunrise.
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 9 9 7 6 5 Ggultra2764 [series:2993#1552]
The premise for Psychic School Wars was a bit misleading. I was assuming that this was some sort of sci-fi drama about struggling against psychic control over a school. Instead, I get a film that appeared to be trying to create something like Makoto Shinkai films that involve long-distance relationships complicated by some sort of paranormal gimmick. But whereas Shinkai at least created natural chemistry between characters to make the relationship developments in his works feel genuine, the ones here feel more forced and unnatural thanks to the title's milking of melodrama and rather sloppy and cliched storytelling.

The storytelling and character elements to the film mostly milk cliches typical of high school and sci-fi titles with stuff such as the mysterious transfer student, time traveling, childhood friends, a love square and one of the love interests being a violent tsundere. The milking of melodrama such as use of overly dramatic music and exaggerated emotions hinder the film more than help it as it only makes the cliched characters within Psychic School Wars more unbearable to put up with as the slightest tensions make a character get angsty. The writing for this is also rather sloppy as it acts pretentious in trying to make you think it has meaningful things to say about human relationships with cell phones, forgetting to address or resolve lingering plot developments and sudden plot twists that were not properly foreshadowed thus leading up to a rather convoluted and anti-climactic ending.

Visually, Psychic School Wars appeared to be trying to emulate Makoto Shinkai's drawing style and does this well for the most part. Scenic shots are gorgeously drawn and highly detailed, and movement with characters and vehicles were fluid for the most part with only some occasional still shots I took noticed of. On the bad end though, the character designs for the movie are rather average in quality and it has a bad habit of overdoing things with lighting effects as such where they can usually obscure things taking place onscreen.

Overall, Psychic School Wars is rather underwhelming as a movie since it attempts to and fails at trying to incorporate story elements of Makoto Shinkai's films to create a coherent and engaging film. I wouldn't recommend watching this unless you go into this with low expectations for what it has to offer.

Last updated Saturday, January 03 2015. Created Saturday, January 03 2015.

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