Boku no Imouto wa Osaka Okan

Title:Boku no Imouto wa Osaka Okan
僕の妹は「大阪おかん」 (Japanese)
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: ASUMI Kana
Due to family circumstances, Tokyo high school student Kyōsuke has been separated from his sister Namika for around 10 years. She has been living in Osaka, and when they are reunited he gets a taste of the differences between the cultures of the two cities.

12 episodes

OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent Stretch [series:2682#628]
(All episodes watched):

I thought this was fairly amusing, and the differences between slang in the two cities was interesting. Even the tone of Namika's voice and her choice of words gives her some personality. Explaining something requires you to talk, and it's hard to do that without developing your personality. An 'Osaka Mama' seems to be a teenage Osaka hipster. Namika wasn't a bitch by any means (as I had feared might be the case), she's just different. Episode two was fun as well, and I was left looking forward to more of this show. There are some jokes that a person who doesn't live in Japan will never get, but even those made me curious about what's going on over there. The animation is both unusual and deliberately crude, which works well. Namika tends to make a comically suggestive comment to her brother at the start of each episode. Episode two was different from number one in that the theme this time seemed to be what Osakans say versus what they really believe. Namika chiming in 'that's the way it is!' every now and then made me laugh. This show just has a silly spirit which is funny in itself. Whereas shorts like Ishida to Asakura and AiMaiMi seem scrambled and confusing--even though they last only three minutes or so--Osaka seems focused on it's unusual premise and easy and fun to watch. I'm guessing that 'Rent' is about the highest rating a short series can achieve, but this one deserved it. Don't miss episode '1.5'.

Last updated Thursday, October 17 2019. Created Sunday, January 20 2013.

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