Kuroshitsuji II

Title:Kuroshitsuji II
Black Butler II
黒執事 II (Japanese)
Keywords: , , , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - A1 Pictures
ONO Daisuke
R1 License - FUNimation
SAKURAI Takahiro
In late-nineteenth century England, one year and three months after the dramatic conclusion of the original series, Kuroshitsuji II introduces a new butler and young master. The sadistic yet cheerful Alois Trancy has faced some harsh times. He was kidnapped as a baby, and was forced to work in a village as a slave. Gradually, he lost his parents, his best friend, and everyone he knew. Alois eventually returned home and became the head of his mansion, but seemed to exhibit some strange behavior ever since. Even more curiously, he returned with Claude Faustus, an enigmatic, emotionless butler with unfathomable talent...
(Summary Courtesy of Anime News Network)

12-episode TV anime that premiered on July 1, 2010.
Animated by A-1 Pictures
Licensed by Funimation

[edit] The ↗Black Butler franchise:

OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Rent 8 7 8 8 7 8 Ggultra2764 [series:2340#1552]
This sequel to Black Butler lacks much of the dark humor that made the first season stick out, but is still a solid watch if you can get past the show's first four episodes. The main hook for Black Butler II is Sebastian and Ciel crossing paths with a rich kid/ demon butler pairing with tragic developments and circumstances that parallel Sebastian and Ciel's relationship, as well as Ciel gaining memory loss of the events that unfolded in the finale of the first season. These events unfold once you get past Black Butler II's first several episodes, which mostly fall flat with the downplaying of much of Black Butler's dark humor and the intrigue of looking into elements of humanity at its worst. The second half of the series brings back the first season's dark intrigue where it focuses on exploring the tragic past of Alois and introducing some pretty shocking twists in the plot regarding the motivations and manipulations of certain characters within the camp of Alois, as well as challenging the bond between Ciel and Sebastian. The developments of the second half are enough to make up for the flat first half, but the latter still hurts the overall quality of Black Butler II to an extent. The visuals to the series are about on par with the first season featuring their nice details and dark colors while retaining the Victorian England setting and designs, though it appears animation shortcuts are a bit more prevalent in this season with still shots and speed stripes implemented in action scenes. Overall, Black Butler II is a decent title to look into thanks to its developments involving Ciel/ Sebastian and Alois/ Claude, but is not on par with the first season's quality thanks to the downplaying of the dark humor and intrigue that made it such a hit.

Last updated Wednesday, October 31 2012. Created Wednesday, October 31 2012.

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