Gantz (Live Action)

Title:Gantz (Live Action)
Keywords: , , , , ,
A young Tokyo college student finds himself reanimated after a deadly subway accident. Kei Kurono (Ninomiya) and his friend Masaru Kato (Matsuyama) find themselves trapped in strange place where they are compelled to go on violent, seemingly endless missions against strange creatures at the behest of an unseen host.

The popularity of the manga and anime series has spawned not one, but TWO big-budget live action movies. ANN is reporting that as of May 2010, the movie has been completed will be released early in 2011. A number of licensing companies have shown interest this project, so we might expect this title to be released world wide soon.

And now ANN is reporting that there are US & UK companies inquiring about 'remake' rights to produce their own version of the GANTZ story.

Gantz (2011) - Movie Trailer - YouTube Vid

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