Asura Cryin' 2
(One episode watched):
Season one of Asura Cryin' was such a storytelling mess that I came into season two little better off than a complete newcomer. My attitude was that this show already had two strikes against it, and unless it shaped up dramatically I wasn't going to commit myself to it. No such luck: little or no attempt is made to bring viewers up to speed. Instead "episode 14" just picks up where the first season left off, as if there hadn't been any six-month (or whatever) break between them at all. Just like before, it makes very little sense and inspires very little effort on my part to understand it. Mysteries have got to seem worth figuring out, that is. I don't want to get re-involved in sorting this out, especially since I have little confidence that any reasonable explanation will ever be provided at all. To be fair, this episode may have given me a vague idea of why things are screwed up as they are in the story, and there were a few decent jokes. But when the ED sequence began, the single thought which came to my mind was 'what the f--- was that all about?!'
Last updated Sunday, February 02 2025. Created Friday, October 09 2009.