Oppai Life

Title:Oppai Life
Booby Life
Keywords: , , , , , ,
Naoto, your run-of-the-mill young dude with a thing for top-heavy women, is the luckiest bum in the world. Ayane, a busty babe he's known for almost all his life, has a thing for him and lets him have his way with her anytime he wants. On top of that, Chika, another one of his chesty childhood friends, has just a big a crush on him too. When she says to him, "my boobs belong to you," there's no way any guy with a healthy sex drive can resist. There's now only two hard things in Naoto's life now, and one of them is choosing between two gorgeous hotties!

Credit to Anime News Network. Part of the Vanilla Series from Kitty Media.

Two OVA Episodes (~30min each)
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Watch 6 7 6 0 2 0 KBanger1 [series:2101#1694]
Let me first start by saying that I was ridiculously bored. So bored in fact that I decided to watch a hentai. Unfortunately, this was probably one of the worst ideas I ever had and more so the one of the worst hentai I have ever seen. Why I don't give it an Avoid rating is because it still made me crack up when the sex scenes played out. The sounds were so messed up, I couldn't tell if it was penetration or me listening to and ocean relaxation CD. It sounded like something was being submerged in a bucket or someone pumping some water from a well. It was bad through and through but kept me a bit interested just to see what happens.

Storywise, not much to tell. A guy named Naoto scores with both his childhood friends, Ayane and Chika. No surprise there. Matter of fact, there really is no story except he ends up with the both of them. Every guys' fantasy (that's if your straight, of course). Too simple and straightforward. Nothing special. Everything else were mediocre at best. I wouldn't recommend it but at least watch one episode for the sounds. Nothing like hearing the ocean during sex. For being a part of the Vanilla series for Kitty Media, this falls flat on it's bouncy boobs.

Last updated Thursday, April 16 2009. Created Thursday, April 16 2009.

Other Sites
Oppai Life (OAV) http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/anime.php?id=10312

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