Title: | Higurashi no Naku Koro ni: Nekogoroshi-hen
Overall: | Rent |
Keywords: |
2006, Comedy, Dark, Drama, Middle School, Modern, Mystery, Omake, OVA, Seinen
Notables: |
Animation - Studio DEEN
Original Concept - Ryukishi07
After losing their bets in club games, Keiichi and his group wind up having to walk around town in cosplay attire. They decide to wander to an abandoned town called Yagouchi and debate over whether or not to look into a mystery surrounding a haunted quarry.
(OAV, 1 episode, 21 min.)
[edit] The "When They Cry" franchise:
↗Higurashi scenario:
Higurashi Reboot:
↗Umineko scenario:
↗Ōkami Kakushi scenario:
- (2010) _ Ōkami Kakushi (12 TV episodes)