Title: | Ultra Maniac TV |
Episode: | 1: Ayu & Nina |
Synopsis | |
Ayu-chan is having to accept that her new friend Nina, a transfer student, is really a magic girl. Meanwhile, Nina can't get Ayu to confess her love for Kaji-kun, so Nina decides a little magic is in order -- a chocolate that will make the person that eats it fall in love with Ayu. Sadly Kaji's best friend Tsujiai-kun eats it instead. Now can Nina come up with an antidote to save the day? | |
Comments | |
(AstroNerdBoy -- 22 November 2003)
When I saw this, I was under the mistaken impression that this was a sequal to "Ultra Maniac OAV". Instead, that episode turned out to be just a stand alone item and except for the name and characters, it was unrelated to the TV series. As a begining, this was a pretty funny episode though at the time, I thought the use of an entire episode devoted to a mistake made by Nina might be the trademark of the series. I was wrong. |