Amagami SS - Haru: Morishima Haruka arc (episodes 1-4)

Title:Amagami SS
Episode:Haru: Morishima Haruka arc (episodes 1-4)
The school idol, and Jun'ichi's senpai by one year. A fickle and insecure girl who likes cute things (especially puppies), and also likes spying on scantily-clad girls in the swim club. Her best friend is the swim club president Hibiki Tsukahara who often scolds her for her immature attitude.

She is used to everyone being fawning on her and turned down a large number of guys already. So Jun'ichi has to be his heroic self to stand his ground and attract her attention - and he does so by confessing again after having been rejected, something Haruka hasn't experienced before.
Devil Doll:
Morishima Haruka arc ep. 1-4 (Watch+):
  • girl's character: school idol, immature
  • girl's character development: none
  • avatar's character: white knight
  • avatar's character development: none
  • story focus: Romance
  • additional BluRay footage: 45 sec Fan Service (sauna scene)
The gorgeous idol - capricious and moody, and as such not for everyone (Ayukawa Madoka would put her to shame). At least we don't get endless fawning but instead two characters who honestly attempt a relationship, with all the problems that will come along with it; and Jun'ichi shows a decent performance compared to the later arcs.
Some stills in scenes where movement would have helped; quite a few swimsuit scenes, none of them really called-for; some time even wasted on perverted fantasies. Consequently this arc feels rushed at times, despite the enlightening phone call between Haruka and Hibiki; this is no Suzuka which had 26 episodes for two of these girls and even wonderful interaction between them.
Wise counselor Hibiki-senpai is a plus, and the girls for the alternate arcs had to be introduced which worked okay. The hotel scene was decent as well (with Haruka finally speaking her mind, just so very late).
Part of my low rating is certainly caused by me not liking Haruka as character. She's an immature princess, and still everyone is on her feet because of her looks and her smile. She's so obviously playing second fiddle to Hibiki... why don't we just get an arc for the swim club president instead?

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