Kawaisugi Crisis

Title:Kawaisugi Crisis
Too Cute Crisis
Keywords: , , , , ,
Notables: Animation - Synergy SP
The research spaceship Thrale of the Asatoth Empire has arrived at planet Earth, and head researcher Liza Luna is not impressed. It seems like a 'glorified dump' to her, and might as well be obliterated. But a fellow crewmember convinces her to take a closer look. While posing as a human, Liza makes a remarkable discovery: this planet in fact has 'the most spectacular organisms' she has ever seen: cats and dogs.

12 episodes
OverallArtAnimationCharacter Design MusicSeries StoryEpisode StoryReviewer
Unevaluated Stretch [series:4653#628]
(Two episodes watched):

I was sure that this would be a short, because how could such a silly premise as 'alien falls in love with cats and dogs' be expanded into anything really meaningful? I still worry that we may have already seen about all this show has to offer after just one 23-minute episode, but it was fairly fun. The dialogue was amusing, with lines like "I wanna quit my job, blow off all my responsibilities, and hang out with cats and dogs all day long!'. Liza tries to keep her infatuation with these pets a secret from her crewmates, because her reasoning isn't exactly logical, I guess. She casually informs humans that she's an alien, because she considers them completely unimportant, apparently. It looks like this show will have a fairly large cast eventually, so maybe some sort of plot is coming. I suppose I'll be watching episode two, so Kawaisugi Crisis has passed its first test.

Already Liza's crewmates grow concerned and suspicious, and at the end of the second episode two tough girls are sent to see what's going on.

Last updated Saturday, May 06 2023. Created Sunday, April 16 2023.

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